Accelerate your life sciences business in Denmark
Learn top 10 reasons for choosing Denmark for your next life sciences adventure.
If you are considering accelerating your business, by setting up or expanding your life sciences activities in Denmark, our specialised global staff have the corporate background, industry insight and well-connected networks to advise you on every aspect of locating your business in Denmark.
Our tailor-made solutions include connecting your company with key local stakeholders, arranging fact-finding tours and providing comprehensive background information needed for your investment decision. We make sense of local legislation and the advantages of locating in Denmark, of which there are many. Among the top reasons for choosing Denmark for your next life science adventure is that the Danish government takes active steps to boost the life sciences industry, that Denmark has a strong, innovative and productive healthcare industry, covering pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, medical technology and eHealth, that medical and health science is the most prioritised research area in Denmark, as well as Denmark offers world-class patient registries, civil registries and biobanks which provides access to detailed patient data, facilitating epidemiological and pharmaceutical research.
Whether your company is considering relocating, consolidating, setting up new production facilities, establishing R&D facilities or is looking for new innovative partners, Invest in Denmark is the place to start. We start where you are – and assist you all the way to an establishment in Denmark and beyond.
Overview Why choose Denmark for you NeXT life sciences adventure?
”As a global biopharmaceutical company that discovers and advances innovative therapies, AbbVie has a vested interest in conducting clinical development programs in Denmark. Roundtable meetings arranged by Invest in Denmark facilitate contacts between our headquarters and top scientists, and Trial Nation provides access to a nationwide network of experienced investigators. Both initiatives contribute to making Denmark one of the preferred countries for conducting clinical trials of high quality and reliability.”