Sustainable urban transportation - creating green and liveable cities
It is estimated that 9 billion people will inhabit the planet by 2050 – 70% of these will live in cities. The increasing urbanisation will be a challenge to cities all over the world and the demand for new innovative solutions within urban mobility is growing.
By integrating different modes of transportation, urban planning can address climate and environmental issues such as private car use and congestion, for instance through increased public transportation and facilitating greener alternatives, which saves both time and cost for people and society.
An integrated approach to mobility management
The key to successful mobility management is to incorporate several levels at the same time where collaboration between both public and private actors is necessary. Intermobility and a flexible transportation system enables people and goods to move around more easily by combining alternative modes of transport. Also, the large share of renewable energy in the Danish electricity system can play an important role through smart thinking and big data monitoring in an integrated system.
Green liveable cities
Cities must be built for people in order to be sustainable, healthy and liveable. Targeted policy-making to ensure that the residents of the city are invited to walk and bike as much as possible in connection with their daily activities is a strong reinforcement of these objectives. The key is to acknowledge the importance of city space and city life as an attractive, informal and democratic meeting place for the residents in the 21st century.
The world’s best country for cyclists
Denmark has for many years been a frontrunner within urban mobility planning and holds a strong tradition for people from all layers of society to bike; it has become an integral part of the Danish story. In fact, more than 60% of the people who live and work in Copenhagen commute by bike every day. The Danish companies and municipalities therefore have the perfect conditions for testing and developing state of the art bicycle infrastructure solutions.
contact How can we help you?
If you want to learn more about doing business in Denmark or the Danish green transportation industry, please do not hesitate to reach out to our dedicated advisors: