Recommendations for a New Life Science Strategy: Ecosystem Synergies Shaping the Direction of Danish Life Science
It is no secret that the life science industry
plays a vital role in Denmark. Beyond great economic contributions, the sector is
a robust source of employment. Collaborative public-private partnerships serve
as cornerstones for the resilience and progression of Denmark's healthcare and
welfare system. Acknowledging the sector’s pivotal role, stakeholders from all
areas of the ecosystem (the Danish Life Science Council) have come together to
form recommendations, with the overall goal of positioning Denmark as Europe’s premier
life science nation.
Innovation in Healthcare: Public-Private Collaboration
The first ambition centres around enhancing the integration of innovation in healthcare through public-private collaboration. The ecosystem points to the necessity of infusing more innovative strength into the healthcare system. Recommendations in this space aim to leverage the public sector as a driver for growth and export of Danish healthcare solutions, while creating continuous value for patients and personnel. With development, testing, implementation, and scaling of effective and labour-liberating solutions, the sector should aim to free up 10,000 full-time equivalents in the healthcare system by 2030. For this, widespread adoption of proven solutions must be ensured for the benefit of patients and efficiency.Fostering Life Science Companies: A Robust Ecosystem Driving Growth
The Council has also identified a need for a stronger, diversified foundation for the future of Denmark’s life science. This requires bolstering the ecosystem to ensure success of new life science entrepreneurs and attraction of foreign investments. To achieve this, Denmark must maintain its leading position in clinical research, unlock the potential of its unique health data, and work to translate university research and knowledge into entrepreneurship. In the public-private sphere, Denmark must create entrepreneurial and innovation environments with access to funding. This can foster development of more life science companies, which is beneficial for current and future competitive strength.A Leading Role: Enhancing International Collaboration and Health Diplomacy
Denmark is recommended to pursue a stronger international leadership role to ensure favourable competitive conditions for the industry. With international competition intensifying, the EU and global frameworks have become increasingly crucial. This calls for Denmark taking greater responsibility in addressing global health challenges. For this, a more strategic and targeted public-private collaboration is needed for promoting exports and advocating for sector interests in EU and global regulatory environments.Attracting Life Science Production and Investments to Denmark
The fourth key ambition is to position Denmark among the top three most attractive destinations in Europe for production and foreign investments. The Council sees a unique opportunity to double exports by 2030, if Denmark manages to make it easier to establish and expand production. It is also emphasised that access to the right workforce and expertise is fundamental to industry success.
In light of the Council's recommendations, we expect the negotiations regarding the new strategy to be concluded by the end of Q2 2024. Learn more about the specific recommendations and the process for developing the full strategy here (in Danish only)