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Professor from Aalborg University receives IEEE fellowship

Professor Petar Popovski from Aalborg University has just been awarded "IEEE Fellow”, the international engineering association’s highest recognition, for his contribution to wireless communication and technology research.

Petar Popovski joins the exclusive group as recognition of his innovative research that ranges from basic communication theory to system-level concepts for the 5G networks of the future.

The title IEEE Fellow is reserved for a select group in the worldwide engineering organization IEEE (Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers) which has more than 400,000 members in 160 countries. Officially, his IEEE Fellow title recognizes him"for contributions to network coding and multiple access methods in wireless communications".

Petar Popovski is currently head of a research group in machine-to-machine communication (M2M) at Aalborg University. In addition to this, Petar has been an editor for several of the IEEE's scientific publications, served as Chair of the organisation’s 'Emerging Technology Committee on Smart Grid Communications', and is currently a member of its steering committees for 'Smart Grid Communications and for the Internet of Things Journal'.

Prior to the IEEE Fellowship, he has also received the European Research Council’s 'Consolidator Grant' and the Danish Council for Independent Research’s 'Sapere Aude Research Talent' grant.

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The Danish wireless and mobile industry is among the world’s strongest in communication technology and software engineering due to a strong and unique interplay between Danish universities and the industry, both domestic and abroad.

Corporations such as Huawei, Motorola, Microsoft, Intel and Google have already chosen to benefit from the favourable location and invested in research and development facilities in Denmark.

fact About IEEE

IEEE is one of the world's leading professional associations for advanced technology. IEEE publishes approximately 30 percent of the literature in the fields of electricity, electronics and computer science and has developed over 900 active industry standards.
Other IEEE Fellows from AAU researchers include: Professors Frede Blaabjerg, Remus Teodorescu and Josep M. Guerrero at the Department of Energy Technology; Professor Christian S. Jensen at the Department of Computer Science; Professor Ramjee Prasad and Professor Emeritus Jørgen Bach Andersen at the Department of Electronic Systems where Petar Popovski is also located.
Click to learn more about IEEE's fellow programme, view statistics or get a list of members.

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