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New quantum hub at SDU

On 22 September, the University of Southern Denmark (SDU), opens its’ first research & education network, the SDU Quantum Hub. The hub is a network that will connect students, researchers, public sectors and industrial partners to strengthen and increase SDU´s position within quantum computing and quantum technologies. The director of the new hub will be Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen, Professor and Director of Centre for Quantum Mathematics, D-IAS at the university, SDU.

Quantum network with a focus on collaboration across disciplines  

Quantum technology is trending nationally and internationally, but in order to develop the technology and realise the potential, collaboration is paramount. SDU works with quantum technologies within research in quantum mathematics, quantum chemistry, quantum physics, quantum information theory and quantum network. With the new network, SDU creates an interdisciplinary research innovation field aiming to work together to solve scientific, environmental and economic challenges and to prepare for the future.  
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"We are creating SDU Q-Hub to bring together all the different activities in the quantum area in order to facilitate further collaborations across academic disciplines. There’s a number of very strong activities in quantum computing software, such as: quantum mathematics, its utilisation in a wide range of quantum algorithms with many applications in quantum computing, development of quantum algorithms in quantum chemistry, a number of strong theoretical activities in high-energy physics as well as a strong experimental environment focusing on quantum effects in relation to interactions of light and materials. We want to make all these activities much more visible internally at SDU as well as to various different external of stakeholders with an interest in quantum research and its many applications." 
Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen Professor and Director of Centre for Quantum Mathematics, D-IAS at the university, SDU

The university also hopes that the SDU Quantum Hub will strengthen its brand within quantum technologies and quantum computing and thereby attract international researchers, increase number of students, become a global centre of excellence for quantum research and activities as well as become a preferred location for industrial cooperation and investment.


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