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New Danish life science strategy

On 1 November 2024, the Danish government presented the Strategy for life science towards 2030.
In recent years, the life science industry has grown in both scope and importance for Danish economic growth and prosperity. Today, life science is a dominant industry in Denmark, and one of the cornerstones of the Danish economy. At the same time, Denmark faces a future with an aging population, more patients with chronic diseases and major recruitment challenges. Therefore, the Danish government has presented a strategy that, towards 2030, will create even better framework conditions, reinforce Denmark’s position in the industry, and contribute to creating a coherent and future-proof healthcare system for the benefit of patients.

Six strategic pionters

The government's vision for Denmark is to be a leading life science nation in Europe in 2030. In continuation of this vision, the Danish government has set six strategic pointers, all of which play an important role in the development of the life science industry in Denmark. 

The 6 landmarks are: 

  1. Denmark must support new viable companies within life science to a greater extent.
  2. Through a strengthened research and IT infrastructure, Denmark must translate our unique health data into ground-breaking research, the spread of artificial intelligence and increased innovation for the benefit of better patient treatment. 
  3. Denmark must promote access to innovative, effective and workforce-free health solutions and innovative medicines in order to create better health for citizens and futureproof the healthcare system.
  4. Denmark must support attractive framework conditions to attract more life science production and more foreign investments.
  5.  Denmark must continue to play an active international role in order to solve global health challenges and support the export of Danish health solutions. 
  6. Denmark must be a strong actor in the EU in order to support Europe as an attractive life science region and to ensure a competitive regulatory framework for Denmark's life science sector.
Life science strategy 2024
The Danish governments life science strategy has been developed in close collaboration with relevant actors, such as the national life science council (Recommendations for a New Life Science Strategy: Ecosystem Synergies Shaping the Direction of Danish Life Science), to get a clear picture of the challenges across the sector and to ensure that the strategy is based on initiatives that can make a difference in the sector. 
Life science strategy 2024
The agreement needs to be ratified by the Danish parliament in order to take effect. This is expected within a few months. 

get in touch learn more about the strategy

If you are interested to learn more about the strategy for life science towards 2030, the initiatives in the strategy, and the opportunities presented towards foreign life science companies please reach out to Invest in Denmark: 