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Making innovation count in smart city investments in Denmark

Smart city development and innovation is top of the agenda in many Danish municipalities. For international companies, this means great opportunities for doing business. According to the Dutch company Technolution, involvement in smart city activities in Denmark has proven to be a true innovation adventure.

In 2015, Invest in Denmark helped the Dutch company Technolution establish a Nordic office in Denmark when they won DKK 47m ITS contract with the City of Copenhagen to implement intelligent traffic systems (ITS).

Today, Technolution continues to drive innovation as a central component of their engagement in the Danish ecosystem. Their newest engagement has been to enter into a collaboration with Gate 21, which is a partnership between municipalities, companies and knowledge institutions that work with the common goal of accelerating the green transition. Together they will work on a public-private innovation project aimed at creating new data-driven prototypes to improve mobility in the City of Copenhagen.

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From the beginning, we have been intent on playing an active role in innovating for the future of mobility together with the Danish ecosystem. This is part of our cooperation with the City of Copenhagen and participating in the innovation projects in the Regional Data Hub is a great way to identify the best solutions for the future in collaboration with partners and public stakeholders.

Dennis Bjørn Pedersen, Senior Consultant Technolution

Delivering value through a strategic use of data

With a team located at the Danish Technical University, Technolution operates the traffic management platform for the City of Copenhagen. From the beginning, Technolution has actively engaged with Danish public and private stakeholders to continually develop new, innovative solutions to city mobility challenges. In the latest initiative they use data from multiple municipalities to improve communication to cyclist during roadworks and improving the usage of roads during rush hour.

What makes innovation projects in Denmark a winning formula?

  • Demonstrates the rewards of data-driven solutions.
  • Illustrates the benefits of pooling data from various sources.
  • Show the potential for data to deliver benefits in relation to traffic management and climate challenges.
  • Developing new solutions that fit the mobility needs of the future.

The data is pooled in the Regional Data Hub, which seeks to collect data across different municipalities in order to develop mobility solutions, which factor in shared infrastructure and modes of transportation to deliver a more liveable city for citizens.

about What is the Regional Data Hub initiative?

  • The Regional Data Hub initiative aims is to support sustainable urban development for the benefit of citizens and businesses, and sustainable growth with the inclusion of digitization, data and modern technology.
  • It seeks to bring together Danish municipalities in their efforts to leverage data when delivering services to citizens and develop a model for data collaboration.
  • The initiative is currently in the innovation phase where, together with private sector stakeholders, prototypes for data-driven innovation are being developed.

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