Denmark's largest biogas plant opens in Southern Jutland
Together with Sønderjysk Biogas Invest (SBI), E.ON has opened the largest biogas plant in Denmark to date. The biogas plant will transform 540,000 tons of manure, straw and other organic residues into green energy.
On a former corn field in Bevtoft, Southern Jutland, E.ON has together with local farmers in the supplier association Sønderjysk Biogas Invest (SBI) opened the doors to the largest biogas plant in Denmark to date.
Each year, the new plant, Sønderjysk Biogas, will be transforming 540,000 tons of livestock manure, straw and other organic residues into green energy. In a press release, the CEO in E.ON Denmark, Tore Harritshøj, states in relation to the opening:
If we are to achieve Denmark’s environmental and climate goals, it is imperative that we get better at utilising the synergies of converting residues to resources. We do this with biogas production, where we use manure, straw and other residues to produce climate-friendly biogas.
The new plant will reduce Denmark's annual CO2 footprint by 51,000 tons by producing about 21 million cubic meters of upgraded biomethane that will be injected directly into the nationwide gas grid. This is equivalent to the energy consumption of 15,000 homes, or 570 city buses.
The upgraded biogas is injected in the Danish gas grid, but can be sold where the prices and subsidies are highest on the European market. Therefore, the plant is both a good business, helps the farmers with a manure problem and improves the environment and the climate.
In the coming years, Denmark will continue to build new large scale biogas installation to replace natural gas with biogas in the Danish gas transmission grid. This creates new business and investment opportunities in Denmark for both developers, suppliers and investors looking for environmentally friendly investments.
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