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Denmark ranked the least corrupt country in the world

Cementing its position as a top investment destination with predictable and fair business conditions, Denmark has once again been ranked the least corrupt country in the world. According to the 2024 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) by Transparency International, Denmark has held this top position for the seventh consecutive year.

Transparency International’s annual index assesses 180 countries based on perceptions of corruption in the public sector, drawing insights from experts and business leaders. In 2024, Denmark achieved a score of 90 out of 100, placing it ahead of Finland (88), Singapore (84), and New Zealand (83).

Drawing on a large number of data (see methodology below), the index has consistently ranked Denmark the least corrupt country in the world.

The index, which compiles data from multiple reputable sources (see methodology below), has consistently placed Denmark at the top, reflecting its transparent governance and strong institutional integrity. Corruption can have widespread negative consequences for countries, economies, and societies, leading to higher costs, increased uncertainty, and unfair business competition. By contrast, a fair and transparent business environment - as seen in Denmark -attracts international investors and fosters sustainable economic growth.


Perceived level of corruption (global top 20)

Denmark ranked the least corrupt country in the world 2024
Corruption Perceptions Index 2024

Methodology / The Perceived level of corruption index

The CPI 2024 is calculated using 13 different data sources from 12 institutions, assessing corruption perceptions over the past two years. Each country is given a score between 0 (highly corrupt) and 100 (very clean), providing a comparative measure of public-sector integrity worldwide.

  1. African Development Bank Country Policy and Institutional Assessment 2023 
  2. Bertelsmann Stiftung Sustainable Governance Indicators 2024 
  3. Bertelsmann Stiftung Transformation Index 2024
  4. Economist Intelligence Unit Country Risk Service 2024 
  5. Freedom House Nations in Transit 2024 
  6. Global Insight Country Risk Ratings 2023 
  7. IMD World Competitiveness Center World Competitiveness Yearbook Executive Opinion Survey 2024 
  8. Political and Economic Risk Consultancy Asian Intelligence 2024 
  9. The PRS Group International Country Risk Guide 2024 
  10. World Bank Country Policy and Institutional Assessment 2022 
  11. World Economic Forum Executive Opinion Survey 2024 
  12. World Justice Project Rule of Law Index Expert Survey 2024 
  13. Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem v. 14) 2024

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