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Denmark makes decision to spend 1 billion DKK on Quantum Research and Innovation Strategy 

The Danish government has launched a new strategy for quantum research and innovation. The strategy seeks to maintain a long-term focus on quantum research and innovation, ensuring that Denmark stays at the forefront and plays a pivotal role in the future of quantum technology. As the world moves closer to a quantum future, Denmark’s commitment to take the lead makes it an ideal choice for foreign companies looking to invest and collaborate in quantum technologies.

The new quantum research and innovation strategy is the first part of Denmark’s National Strategy for Quantum Technology, which will be followed by a second part focusing on commercialization and talent in the fall.

With the strategy, the Danish government intends to spend a billion DKK to strengthen quantum research and innovation over the next five years. It is designed to ensure that Denmark maintains a leading position within international quantum research and convert this cutting-edge research into novel quantum technology solutions that tackle global challenges.

As part of the strategy, a new program for quantum research and innovation is being established. The program aims to support new research and knowledge-based innovation emphasizing interdisciplinary projects, talent development, and strong Danish participation in international collaborations. The strategy also includes investments in improved access to digital infrastructure for Danish researchers, including quantum computers and increased focus on Danish involvement in quantum software development. Moreover, a National Quantum Technology Forum is being established to support broad collaboration among key players in the quantum field.

quote ikon
"We have high ambitions for the development and application of quantum technology in Denmark. Danish quantum research is already at the forefront of the international elite and enjoys great recognition. However, to keep up with developments and stay competitive in a growing global race for talent, investments, and knowledge, we need to make an extra effort. This is particularly the case because of the security challenges posed by quantum technology. With this strategy and billion DKK investment, we are creating a favorable environment for the development and application of quantum technology in Denmark, raising Denmark's visibility and engagement in the quantum field." 
Christina Egelund, Minister for Higher Education and Science   Translation of Christina Egelund’s originalquote in the Danish language press release 

Denmark is committed to build upon its strong legacy from the groundbreaking work of Niels Bohr, the Danish Nobel Prize laureate and founding father of quantum theory. Last year, Denmark was selected as host country for the new NATO Center for Quantum technologies, and the Novo Nordisk foundation announced a 1.5 billion DKK investment towards the development of a fully functional quantum computer.

Denmark’s strong quantum ecosystem, combined with the new strategy, makes it an ideal destination for foreign companies looking to invest and establish R&D partnerships within quantum technologies.


Facts on The Strategy part 1

  • In 2023, Denmark has set a side 212 mil. DKK to fund research and innovation within quantum technology and plans to do so for the next 4 years. 

  • This commitment amounts to at least 1 billon DKK from 2023-2027

  • A new strategic program will be established to support quantum research and innovation, talent development, interdisciplinary projects and increased international cooperation. 

  • A National Quantum Technology Forum is being established to support broad collaboration among key players in the quantum field. 

  • Improved access to digital infrastructure for Danish researchers including quantum computers, labs and test facilities.  

  • The strategy on research and innovation is the first part of Denmark’s National Strategy for Quantum Technology. The second part on commercialization and talent is currently being developed by the inter-ministerial working group comprising of The Danish Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs, Ministry of Higher Education and Science, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Digitization and Gender Equality. 


Get in touch Want to learn more about the new National Quantum strategy in Denmark? 

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