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Denmark has the second most digital public sector globally

Coming in second after South Korea, Denmark tops the list of countries with the most digital government and public sector according to the 2023 OECD Digital Government Index, published at the end of January 2024, Denmark has moved two places from fourth to second place since the latest OECD report was published in 2019. 

Denmark ranks high on all parameters

The OECD Digital Government Index ranks countries according to 6 different dimensions within digitalization of the public sector. Among others, OECD has looked at how well Denmark utilizes data and technology to deliver a holistic and user-centric digital transformation of the public sector. And Denmark ranks in the top 10 within all 6 criteria.

About the top ten countries in the index, OECD stated: “These countries demonstrate a comprehensive approach to ensuring strong foundations for digital government with a balanced performance across the six dimensions of the Index.”

The 6 dimensions evaluated are:

  • Digital by Design
  • Data-driven public sector
  • Government as a Platform
  • Open by Default
  • User-driven
  • Proactiveness

get more knowledge Want to dive into the OECD Digital Government Index ranking for Denmark?

About the OECD Digital Government Index 

The Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) published their first Digital Government Index in 2019. The report ranks 33 countries by surveying and benchmarking their efforts to digitize the public sector.

The goal is that member countries should increase the efficiency of their public service delivery and improve the way governments organize and manage their core functions, by utilizing and leveraging digital data and technology.

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