Danish airport is best for business
After several years in the top ten in the 'European Business Air News' ratings, Roskilde Airport has now been named 'Best Business Airport' ahead of 400 airports in Europe, the Middle East, Russia and Africa.
“Being in the top ten was a great achievement for Roskilde Airport, but making it to number one this year is nothing short of amazing,” says Roskilde Airport Manager Lars Lip.
In addition to personal service, a VIP lounge, ultrafast checking in and fast arrivals, Roskilde Airport has many extra services for the pilots, such as maintenance facilities, rest facilities for the crews and, not least, good, competitive fuel prices.
Located six kilometres outside the historic city of Roskilde, close to Copenhagen, the airport has 1.800 private business jet takeoffs and landings each year.
High flexibility and excellent service
Business jet pilots from three continents responded in the survey. Carsten Vistisen, rel="noopener noreferrer" General Manager of JoinJet says:
Roskilde offers flexibility that sets it apart from many of the other airports we fly to. Depending on what we need, we can pick either a comprehensive or basic handling package. Getting through the airport is fast and efficient, and the atmosphere is very friendly and relaxed. It means a lot to the pilots when they have a chance to relax in an informal setting with such a high level of service.
fact About Roskilde Airport
- The small airport has 36 employees and is home to about 25 companies employing a total of 300 people.
- Owned by Copenhagen Airports A/S.
- In 2016 nominated Best Business Airport in the Fixed-Based Operator (handling of business jets) category in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Russia.
- A total of 68,000 flight operations last year that consisted mainly of private flights, training flights and helicopter operations.
- Home to several flight schools whose graduates go on to work as both aircraft and helicopter pilots.
- Serves as base for the EH 101 emergency helicopter, part of the Squadron 722 search and rescue team.
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