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Aalborg University is highly praised in international evaluation

Today, international ranking has become essential to universities both nationally and internationally in the competition for attracting researchers, students and partners. To strengthen Aalborg University’s reputation, several internationally known scholars have assessed their research, in which Aalborg University's Department of Computer Science's research, was termed "world-class".

evaluating research

Aalborg University has for the seventh time in 30 years invited a team of international researchers to form a committee to evaluate their research. The committee consists of several renowned researchers throughout Europe.

To determine the quality of the research, the committee is evaluating three main areas of research:

  • Database, Programming, and Web Technologies
  • Distributed, Embedded and Intelligent Systems
  • Human-Centered Computing

The committee have given words of praise, especially to the Department of Computer Science:

"Research at the Department of Computer Science at Aalborg University is both nationally and internationally at the absolute highest level assessed on scientific articles, visibility, collaboration with business, startups and societal significance in relation to the UN's World Goals for Sustainable Development." The committee said in the evaluation report.

Solving societal challenges

According to the committee, a significant background for the high quality of the department's vital projects is that the department supports collaboration between the individual research groups and cross-departmental teams with their so-called matrix organization.

The Department of Computer Science’s key vision is to conduct research that can be used to solve real societal challenges and contribute to growth and welfare, which is reflected in the committee’s evaluation.

quote ikon
"It is with great satisfaction that an external evaluation concludes that we actually succeed in realizing this vision, for example in the form of a number of Al- and data-driven solutions in transport and energy."
Peter Axel Nielsen Professor and Head of Department
In addition, the report underlines the Department of Computer Science’s position for further growth in research activity, which is a fundamental steppingstone to achieve their vision.
quote ikon
"The report shows that the department is already growing in a number of key areas. This growth means that we can not only maintain but increase our efforts in the coming years within the department's core areas - research, education and collaboration."
Peter Axel Nielsen Professor and Head of Department

the Evaluation committe

Kim Guldstrand Larsen (Chairman), Professor, Computer Science, Aalborg University.

Franz Baader, Professor, Automata Theory, Director, Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, TU Dresden.

Jan Gulliksen, Professor, Human Computer Interaction, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.

Marieke Huisman, Professor, Software Reliability, University of Twente.

Yannis Manolopoulos, Diploma, Electrical Engineering, Ph.D., Computer Engineering, Professor and Vice-Rector, Open University, Cyprus.

Bernhard Mitschang, Professor and Head of Department, Applications and Distributed Systems, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, University of Stuttgart 
