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Food tech start-up chooses Denmark for its continued growth adventure

One of Europe's hottest food tech start-ups, Wolt, launches in Denmark. A bustling food scene and a friendly and digital business environment were decisive factors.

The award-winning app, Wolt, is the first of its kind in Denmark. By analysing data and identifying trends, Wolt matches users and restaurants in order to provide the perfect dining experience: High-quality food delivered to-go, to the doorstep of the user or directly to the table.

"The Copenhagen foodie scene has really exploded over the past five years," says Jessie Scheepers, who is responsible for the launch of Wolt in Denmark, where Copenhagen serves as the starting point.

"We have been inspired by Copenhagen's iconic approach to dining experiences and new bold concepts. It is especially interesting to present Wolt in a city where people really care what they eat."

The Helsinki-based company was founded in 2014 and due to financial support from leading tech profiles, such as Skype co-founder Niklas Zennström, Wolt has already expanded to both Tallinn and Stockholm, where it has been well received. Currently, it has more than 300,000 users.

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Denmark is recognised as the gastronomy centre of Scandinavia and assisting Wolt to establish in Denmark has given the Danes a new way of accessing good food. When starting up a business in a new country, a good network and local knowledge is always very valuable. Invest in Denmark has been a counter partner for Wolt navigating through the establishing process and meeting the right people.

Mette Hoberg Tønnesen, Special Advisor Invest in Denmark

Invest in Denmark assisted Wolt during the several steps of their decision-making and establishing process. Among them was facilitating dialogue with the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration regarding establishing a food business in Denmark, mapping the key industry players, as well as and making introductions to these and other key players in the market. Invest in Denmark also introduced Wolt to various administration companies, law firms, real estate companies and assisted with talent attraction services.

Tech start-up mecca

In recent years, the start-up community in Denmark has gained momentum. Combined with Denmark being the most digital country in EU according to the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) 2017, it serves as the perfect growth adventure environment for tech start-ups like Wolt.

Already, Denmark has fostered global success companies such as Skype, Unity, Trustpilot, Momondo, JustEat and Vivino.


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