get insights Quantum Technology
As one of the world’s strongest hubs for quantum research and the most innovation-friendly country in Europe, Denmarkis an attractive location for entering the second quantum era.
The strong interplay between world-class researchers and a long tradition for public- private partnerships is part of the reason why Denmark is the perfect incubator for companies developing quantum-enabled solutions to solve complex problems.
Another reason is our strong innovation ecosystem that offers access to knowledge and expertise in areas that are key to driving the development and innovation of quantum technologies including computing, -communication and -sensing.
Download the fact sheet and learn more about Denmark as a quantum hotspot for your quantum solutions.
Download quantum fact sheet
Learn about Denmark as a quantum hotspot for your quantum solutions.Quantum research strenghts in Denmark
- Work with internationally recognized quantum technology researchers and research groups through R&D collaborations with Danish universities
- Get access to state-of-the art research facilities and consultancy services through the Danish government-approved Research and Technology Organisations
- Take advantage of funding schemes financed by the Innovation Fund Denmark in collaboration with Danish partners from industry and academia
- Benefit from working in a multidisciplinary ecosystem that can drive complicated R&D with world-class competences within computer science, nano-technology, photonics and material science, and much more
- Collaborate with a critical mass of world-leading industry players in e.g. pharma, fintech, energy and robotics to develop and test NISQ era applications
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