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World Bank: Easy to start a business in Denmark

The World Bank has published its annual “Ease of Doing Business” index. The index highlights that Denmark is among the countries in the world, where it is easiest to start a business, not least due to an efficient public sector. On a global scale, only New Zealand and Singapore come in ahead of Denmark.
The World Bank has published its annual “Ease of Doing Business” index. The index highlights that Denmark is among the countries in the world, where it is easiest to start a business, not least due to an efficient public sector. On a global scale, only New Zealand and Singapore come in ahead of Denmark.
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It is impressive that Denmark has managed once again to maintain its position on the World Bank’s well-known and respected index. However, it is important not to believe that an efficient public sector is enough. If Denmark is to maintain its position in the long run, we must also ensure that it becomes cheaper to run a business in Denmark.

Anders Samuelsen Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark  

There is still plenty of room for improvement in terms of providing good framework conditions for businesses operating in Denmark, the minister emphasises:

"The international competition is fierce when it comes to attracting businesses, investments and talent. We must thus continuously work to lower costs and remove red tape, if we want the large companies of tomorrow to place their investments in Denmark rather than in our neighbouring countries."

The World Bank’s Doing Business report is the fifteenth in a series of annual reports benchmarking regulations that affect private sector firms, in particular small and medium-sized enterprises. The report analyses data in 10 areas of business regulation, including starting a business, dealing with construction permits, registering property, access to credit, and paying taxes.

The report presents a valuable tool for companies wishing to identify investment opportunities. Furthermore, the report can help governments and local authorities improve economic framework conditions.

Click to download the full report.

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